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Multiplication Laws in Equations

Multiplication is one of the 4 basic operations of arithmetic along with addition, subtraction and division. In a multiplication question, the quantities that are multiplied are called factors and the answer is a product. Multiplication is the one operation that can be represented using many different symbols.

You can indicate multiplication with:

  •  ‘X’, usually with numbers (e.g. 5 x 12)
  •   ‘*’, an asterisk, is used in spreadsheets such as Excel (e.g. 5 * 12 or 5*C2)
  •  ‘’ , an interpunct, is used with numbers and variables (e.g. 5⋅12 nor ab)
  • ‘  ’ , no symbol, is used with variables or variables and numbers. In this case, the numbers are called “coefficients”. (e.g. ab or 5c)
  • ‘( )’ ,brackets or parentheses, are used with only numbers, only variables or a combination of numbers and variables (e.g. (5)(12) = 60; (x2)(x) = x3; (2x)(3x)= 6x2)

When multiplication is the operation used in algebra, it is the last three that are used most frequently. The choice of symbol depends on the writer and what the writer is describing.

When you first learned to multiply, you probably learned some facts about multiplication with numbers. You have also learned that the same facts apply when you are working with variables. The facts were recorded a long time ago and are often referred to as laws.  It is not necessary to know the names of the laws but rather that you can use the laws when doing mathematics.

 The laws of arithmetic and algebra for multiplication include:

  • commutative law, which states that the order of multiplying terms will not change the answer. i.e. ab = ba or 3 x 7 = 7 x 3,
  • identity law, which states that multiplication of any number by 1 results in the number. i.e. a1 = a or 1 x 9 = 9,
  • multiplication by zero, which states that anything multiplied by 0 equals 0 i.e. 0 x a = 0 or 5 x 0 = 0,
  • zero product law, which is another way to view the previous statement and is frequently used with algebra,
    • If the product of two quantities is 0, then at least one of the quantities must be 0, i.e. If ab = 0 then either a = 0, or b = 0, or both a and b are 0.

Watch the following video for more about the zero product law:


Solve the following equations. Think about the above laws that lead you quickly to the solution.

  1. 5x = 0
  2. 3(x - 2) = 0
  3. -4(x + 3) = 0
  4. 7(x - 8) = 0



Determine values for x that would make the equation: x(x + 7) = 0 true.


I can see that there are two factors, x and x + 7, both of which involve a variable, and their product is 0.

Unlike the previous examples, neither factor is a number so either factor could be equal to 0.

x(x + 7) = 0

Consider the 2 factors:

x            x + 7

Show that either factor could be 0.

x = 0      x + 7 = 0

Show the value for x to make the statement true.

x = 0       x = -7, the opposite of +7

You can verify this equation is true if the value for x is either 0 or -7:

If x = 0, you get     0(0 + 7) = 0(7) = 0

If x = -7, you get   -7(-7 + 7) = -7(0) = 0

There are two possible values.


Determine values for x that would make the equation x(x - 9) = 0 true.


The equation is true if the value for x is either 0 or 9, the opposite of -9; there are two possible values.


This is the discussion icon. Determining Values for x

Choose one of the following equations:

  • (x + 1)(x + 6) = 0
  • (x – 1)(x – 6) = 0
  • (x – 1)(x + 6) = 0
  • (x + 1)(x – 6) = 0

Determine the values for x that would make the equation true. Explain how you know. Save your solutions and explanations in your Portfolio.



This is the Portfolio icon.Mathematical Processes

In this activity, the Mathematical Process Representing is the focus.

Download and open your document U3 Mathematical Processes and read the descriptions for the process.

As you complete the activity, notice when the different forms (different representations) of the relation provide different information about the relation.

Insert your record below the description of the process.


Forms of the Equation for Quadratic Relations

When you looked more closely at linear relations, you learned that different equations can be written to describe the same linear relation. Each form provides certain information about the linear relation. The information is usually related to key features of linear relations.

An image of two parabolas, one opening upwards and one opening downwards.

In Unit 2, you identified the key features of parabolas and learned the vocabulary that is associated with the key features. Like linear relations, there are different forms of a quadratic equation that will produce the same graph, and each form can provide information about the key features of the quadratic relation.  Recall from Unit 2, that the shape of a quadratic relation is a parabola.


An image of a parabola on a grid with x-intercept, y-intercept, vertex and axis of symmetry labelled.

Let’s investigate two different equations for quadratic relations and identify the information that is available from the equations.

The standard form of the equation for a quadratic relation is y = ax2 + bx + c, the sum of three unlike terms. The values, a, b, and c, determine the shape and position of the parabola. In all the examples that you will be using, the value for ‘a’ will always be 1 (i.e. y = x2 + bx + c).

The factored form of the equation for a quadratic relation is y = a(x - r)(x - s), a product of three factors. The values, a, r, and s, are values that also determine the shape and position of the parabola. In all the examples, the value for ‘a’ will always be 1 (i.e. y = (x - r)(x - s)).

In the examples that follow, integer values will be used for b, c, r, and s to more easily see the connections between the equation and the graph.

You may wish to refer to the Frayer model for Quadratics that you created in Unit 2, Activity 2 for information about the key features that you identified.

Investigating Quadratic Relations

Open the desmos file created for this investigation, and the document Investigating Quadratic Relations.

Save your completed document to your workspace.

This is the discussion icon. Investigating Quadratic Relations

Once you have completed your investigation, choose one pair of equations that represent the same quadratic relationship.

Describe the information about the graph that you can identify by looking at the equation.

Be specific in selecting the vocabulary in your description.

Add your relationships in your Portfolio.


In the previous examples, all quadratic relations could be described using both a standard form (y = x2 + bx + c) and a factored form (y = (x - r)(x - s)). You were able to connect key features of the quadratic relation with some of the values in the equations.

Different Forms of Quadratic Equations - Different Parabolas

You probably recall from Unit 2 that all parabolas have a y-intercept, but all parabolas do not necessarily have 2 x-intercepts. Some parabolas have only one x-intercept, while others do not cross the x-axis at all, so have no x-intercepts. The form of the equations for the quadratic relation will change in these situations, but connections between the graph and the form of the equation are still possible. In the following investigation, you will work with some variations of the forms of equations of quadratic relations and make connections between the equation and the graph.

Investigating Different Forms of the Equation

Open the desmos link for Part 2 and the document Investigating Quadratic Relations. Complete this investigation by following the instructions on the document.

Save your completed document to your workspace.

Summary of Connections Between Graphs and Equations

During your investigations, you may have noticed some of the following connections between the graph and the equations. You may have noticed others that are not listed here.

  • All quadratic relations can be written in the standard form, y = x2 + bx +  c; the y-intercept is the constant term, ‘c’, in the standard form of the equation.
  • The factored form, y = (x - r)(x - s), can only be written when the quadratic relation crosses or touches the x-axis.
  • The x-intercepts are the values that will make one of the factors (x - r) or (x - s) equal to 0.
  • There can be 2 x-intercepts, 1 x-intercept or no x-intercepts on the graph of a quadratic relation.
  • When there are 2 x-intercepts, both can be positive values, both can be negative values, or there can be one positive value and one negative value.
  • When there are x-intercepts, the axis of symmetry is in the middle of the two x-intercepts.
  • The equation for the axis of symmetry is the equation of a vertical line, x =  (value) and the line passes through the vertex.
  • When an x-intercept is 0, the y-intercept is also 0.
  • When only one x-intercept is 0, the standard form of the equation has 2 terms.
  • When an x-intercept is 0, one factor in the equation is ‘x’. 
  • When the vertex is on the y-axis but NOT at (0, 0), the standard form of the equation (y = x2 + bx +  c) has an x2 term and a constant term (meaning that c is not equal to zero), but no ‘x’ term.
  • When the vertex is on the y-axis and there are x-intercepts, the values for the x-intercepts are opposite values.
  • When the vertex is on the y-axis, the equation of the axis of symmetry is x = 0.
  • When the vertex is on the x-axis, the factored form of the equation, y = (x - r)(x - s), has two identical factors (meaning that r = s).

This is the dropbox icon. Frayer Models

You will be completing two Frayer Models, one for each form of the equation for a quadratic relation.

Download and open the document Frayer Standard Form and the document Frayer Factored Form.

Use the equation as the definition. You may wish to use some of the statements included above. Use specific vocabulary (e.g. vertex, x-intercept, zero, y-intercept, equation of the axis of symmetry, factor, term, constant, symmetrical) in your descriptions.


X-intercepts, Factored Form, and the Zero Product Law

You noticed during the investigation that the x-intercepts can be determined from the factored form of the equation, y = (x - r)(x - s). You also know that the zeros are found along the x-axis and the y-coordinate for the ordered pair at the intercept is 0. Let’s look at the connection between the equation, the zeros and the zero product law that you explored during the Minds On.

Using the factored form of the equation, y = (x - 1)(x + 3), you identified that the x-intercepts are located at 1 and -3 (opposite values of -1 and +3). You also graphed the relation and noticed that the parabola crossed the x-axis at two points, (1, 0) and (-3, 0).

An image of a graph created in desmos. The graph shows a parabola that opens upwards and passes through points (-3, 0) and (1, 0).

At the x-intercept, you know that y = 0 so you can show this in the equation by substituting 0 in for y.

Substituting the value of 0 in for the y-variable. 

y = (x - 1)(x + 3)

0 = (x - 1)(x + 3)  or (x - 1)(x + 3) = 0

This is like the work you did in the Minds On section of this activity.

(x - 1)(x + 3) = 0

Recall the zero product law where you know that at least one of the factors must be equal to 0.

Consider the 2 factors:

(x - 1)(x + 3) = 0

x - 1                                             x + 3

See that either factor can be 0.

x – 1 = 0                                       x + 3 = 0

Show the value for x to make the statement true.

x = 1,  the opposite of – 1                x = -3, the opposite of 3

This equation is true if the value for x is either 1 or -3; there are two possible values which is where the parabola crosses the x-axis.


Use your knowledge of the zero product law to determine the x-intercepts for the quadratic relation.

y = (x + 5)(x - 1)

Substituting the value of 0 in for the y-variable. 

y = (x + 5)(x - 1)            (x + 5)(x - 1)= 0

Recall the zero product law where you know that at least one of the factors must be equal to 0.

Consider the 2 factors:

(x + 5)(x - 1) = 0

x + 5         x - 1

Show the value for x to make the statement true.

x = -5, the opposite of +5     x = 1, the opposite of -1

This equation is true if the value for x is either -5 or 1; there are two possible values which is where the parabola crosses the x-axis.


If a quadratic relation has the x-intercepts -3 and 4, which of the following is the correct equation? Give reasons for your choice.
a. y = (x - 3)(x - 4)
b. y = (x + 3)(x + 4)
c. y = (x + 3)(x – 4)
d. y = (x – 3)(x + 4)


y = (x + 3)(x – 4) is the correct choice. I know that the y coordinate for the point at the x-intercept is 0, so I know that the product of the two factors must be zero. If I substitute -3 into the first factor, I get the value 0 (-3 + 3 = 0) and if I substitute 4 into the second factor, I get the value 0 (4 – 4 = 0).


If a quadratic relation has the x-intercepts, -5 and -2, which of the following is the correct equation? Give reasons for your choice.
a. y = (x - 2)(x - 5)
b. y = (x + 2)(x + 5)
c. y = (x + 2)(x – 5)
d. y = (x – 2)(x + 5)


y = (x + 2)(x + 5) is the correct choice. Both x-intercepts are negative so I know that both factors will have positive signs within the bracket. If I substitute -2 into the first factor, the product will be 0 (the y-coordinate for the point at the x-intercept). If I substitute – 5 into the second factor, the product will be 0.


Equations and Graphs

Select equations from the list that represent the standard form or the factored form of the quadratic relation. Also, include equations that represent the equation of the axis of symmetry for the relation.

Some graphs may have more than one equation. Not all the equations will match a graph.


Long Description


This is the Portfolio icon. Mathematical Processes

Complete your entry for the Mathematical Process Representing in the document U3 Mathematical Processes.

What did you notice about information that is available in the different representations (forms) of the equation?

Save to your Portfolio.



You used graphing software to compare two different forms of the equation of a quadratic relation. You found information about the graph from each form and used the appropriate vocabulary to describe the information. You recognized the connection between the values of the x-intercepts and the factored form. You can locate the axis of symmetry from the zeros and determine the equation of the axis.

This is the dropbox icon. Exit Card

Write the factored form of an equation that has the zeros 4 and -7. 2.

Write an equation in factored form of a parabola that would have an axis of symmetry at x = -2. Give reasons for your answer.

Write an equation of a quadratic relation that has a y-intercept of 8. (It may or may not cross the x-axis. You may show it in either standard or factored form). Explain your thinking.


Congratulations, you have completed Unit 3, Activity 4. You may move on to Unit 3, Activity 5.

test text.